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A Mama's Heart...

Aria has always had a passion and tender heart for minority groups, as a brown skinned, queer woman. When her son came out, it was important to find spaces and places where he could feel safe and find belonging.
After researching many area programs, she realized there wasn't one for youth in Gig Harbor.
She knew that there had to be other kids in the area who were a part of minority groups that could benefit from an ongoing opportunity to connect.
In November of 2023, she held the first ever Inclusive Youth hangout for teens. Since then, Inclusive Youth has meet monthly throughout the school year.
It is important for Aria & those who help her to invite kids and youth to feel comfortable just as they are when they come to hangouts or events!

Elise - She/Her


Doug - He/They

Aria & her son

Mezz - They/Them


Aria - She/Her

All Inclusive Youth Leaders have cleared background checks.

Elise is currently employed at a local DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility) company called Momentum Professional Strategy Partners in Tacoma, WA.
Doug is a retired school teacher from the South Kitsap School District.

Mezz is an art therapist and is active in creating safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth.

Aria has received trauma informed training, is part of the Safe Space Alliance, and is regularly active as a volunteer in the local school district. She also frequently speaks at school board meetings to advocate for minority students.

In The News

As an active participant in Moms for P.E.A.C.E., regular attendance at school board meetings is important to inviting equity, inclusion, and diversity in our district and community. This news coverage was a helpful article toward the cause of calling for action among those minorities who are being mistreated or bullied.

At the same meeting, parent Aria Messer, whose family is of mixed heritage, said she supports more diversity in education. Messer has three children, two in Peninsula schools.


“And of my three children, two are queer,” she said. "It’s clear based on the testimony of so many that harassment, intimidation and bullying is an epidemic in our district,” she said. “It seems to be a prevalent part of school culture that I’m afraid is becoming a norm.”


Messer advocates the use of restorative justice in which counselors or others mediate discussion between the victim and the aggressor.


“The process is centered around respect, dignity and mutual concern by creating a space for repairing harm that’s done,” she said.

Article written by Christina T. Henry
February 28th, 2024
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